Every dog has issues.
BEAGLES can get stuck in trees.
SCHNAUZERS sometimes sit on bees.
GALUNKERS? Oh, where to start....
Galunker is an illustrated rhyming book, for ages 8-80, about a dog assumed to be dangerous, because he looks scary,
whereas in fact he’s a perfectly lovable creature just looking for a home. Read more about the book at the bottom of the page but WARNING, there are spoilers down there.
(We also recommend checking out the Reviews page 💕
Buy the book! (and other stuff)
Galunker benefits homeless pets through sales of the book and other products on the site. All proceeds go to No Kill Colorado, a 501c3 nonprofit. No Kill Colorado is an ALL volunteer organization. Money raised from sale of Galunker products go directly to get dogs and cats (Galunkers) into loving homes!

Galunker - The Book!
A gripping story.
A gorgeous book.
A crucial message.
In other words:
An illustrated book about a gloriously silly pit bull :)
64 pages long, for ages 8 and up. Galunker is aimed, among other things, at teaching parents and children how to interact safely with dogs of any breed. The book opens with a contract, to be signed by the whole family, committing them to following the rules at the end. These safety rules appear on a colorful poster at the end of the book, which can be cut out and hung up in the home.

Galunker's "Got You Covered" Tote Bag
Get it? Because it's the same image as the book's cover.
Okay, we're sorry :(

>>> See more pics & read some reviews by clicking HERE
More about the Galunker
WARNING: Spoilers!
Galunker is an illustrated rhyming book for dog-lovers aged 8-80: an effort to address the extreme bias against bully breeds. It was a mega-hit on Kickstarter, and as been celebrated as a beautiful metaphor for tolerance.
Everyone, no matter their politics, agrees that we should judge people on their individual merits. This is illuminated in the story a dog, Galunker, and a strange young girl, Blinky, who are outcasts from their community: Galunker because he is scary looking, despite being a marshmallow; and Blinky because she wears an eye-patch, and talks a blue streak. (It’s not stated, but she likely suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome.)
They find each other, and hrough this find redemption.
Galunker is about diversity and inclusion, in both the dog and the human world. The demonic shelter director, Ms. Breezy Pacifical Ooze, judges Galunker simply on the basis of his looks. Blinky, unperturbed by his appearance, rescues him from this evil woman; she in turn earns his unconditional love, despite her peculiarity. The dog catcher, Follicle Philty, is initially on the side of Ms. Ooze, but is gradually won over by this pair; he begins as their pursuer, but gradually becomes a partner in their adventure. Philty, unlike the shelter director, is capable of changing his bias when resented with new information.
Even without these valuable themes, Galunker would be a gorgeous romp of a story. It appeals to anyone who loves pets and wants us to save every one.